El Valentín•A Coruña
In our menu you can find dishes inspired by the five continents. You will be able to find an offer of sustainable, natural, ancestral and even international wines, far from the industrialization processes that provide them with unnecessary chemicals. We like to dive between recipes and to be able to update our offer from time to time. Of course vegetarian, vegan and gluten-free options have a place in our restaurant in Coruña.
Experiences at El Valentín
Standard Reservation
In our menu you can find dishes inspired by the five continents. You will be able to find an offer of sustainable, natural, ancestral and even international wines, far from the industrialization processes that provide them with unnecessary chemicals. We like to dive between recipes and to be able to update our offer from time to time. Of course vegetarian, vegan and gluten-free options have a place in our restaurant in Coruña.