Browse RestaurantsSteakHouse Chez Ernest

SteakHouse Chez ErnestBarranquilla


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The specialty of the SteakHouse ChezErnest is meats, carefully selected from the best cattle herds in the country. In addition to our meats, we have excellent alternatives for poultry, fish and seafood depending on the season. We make our desserts with the aroma and flavor of France.

Experiences at SteakHouse Chez Ernest

  • Reservation


    The specialty of the SteakHouse ChezErnest is meats, carefully selected from the best cattle herds in the country. In addition to our meats, we have excellent alternatives for poultry, fish and seafood depending on the season. We make our desserts with the aroma and flavor of France.

  • Reservation

    Standard Reservation

    The specialty of the SteakHouse ChezErnest is meats, carefully selected from the best cattle herds in the country. In addition to our meats, we have excellent alternatives for poultry, fish and seafood depending on the season. We make our desserts with the aroma and flavor of France.

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