't Nieuw Paviljoen•Berlare
In the restaurant you can dine and choose from the wide menu. Thus we prepare scampi, frog legs, steaks, salmon, trout, lobster, etc...our specialty is as expected at the donkmeer PALING which we serve in over 9 different ways Fresh ingredients are brought in daily and everything is prepared in house. In the restaurant, reservation is recommended. Walkers or cyclists can also quietly drink a good pint. In our tavern we always like to prepare snacks, spaghetti, brochettes, steaks, crocques ...
Experiences at 't Nieuw Paviljoen
Standard Reservation
In the restaurant you can dine and choose from the wide menu. Thus we prepare scampi, frog legs, steaks, salmon, trout, lobster, etc...our specialty is as expected at the donkmeer PALING which we serve in over 9 different ways Fresh ingredients are brought in daily and everything is prepared in house. In the restaurant, reservation is recommended. Walkers or cyclists can also quietly drink a good pint. In our tavern we always like to prepare snacks, spaghetti, brochettes, steaks, crocques ...