Browse RestaurantsBardot / Libertad / Chino Latino

Bardot / Libertad / Chino LatinoSan Pedro Garza García


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Bardot, Libertad and Chinolatino in the same place. Visit us to experience a unique gastronomic concept in our city choosing dishes from a variety of cuisines at the same time. Find dishes like escargots à la bourguignonne from our French cuisine in Bardot, grilled mason-style taquitos from our Mexican cuisine in Libertad or enjoy a sushi roll from our oriental cuisine in Latin Chinese. Grupo Pangea restaurants, located on the third floor of Parque Arboleda.

Experiences at Bardot / Libertad / Chino Latino

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    Bardot, Libertad and Chinolatino in the same place. Visit us to experience a unique gastronomic concept in our city choosing dishes from a variety of cuisines at the same time. Find dishes like escargots à la bourguignonne from our French cuisine in Bardot, grilled mason-style taquitos from our Mexican cuisine in Libertad or enjoy a sushi roll from our oriental cuisine in Latin Chinese. Grupo Pangea restaurants, located on the third floor of Parque Arboleda.