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BoutrosBrooklyn Heights

Middle Eastern$$

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Elevated Middle Eastern Cuisine served in warm and inviting space designed and built by the chef himself, Allen Dabagh. Chef focuses the menu around his Lebanese and Syrian heritage, melding Middle Eastern cooking with diverse flavors from growing up in NY. Start your journey by breaking bread with freshly baked pita coming from the stone hearth, followed by kebabs grilled over Japanese charcoal, with the sounds of Fairuz flowing through the speakers. The Middle Eastern influence continues through to the cocktails and wine program, showcasing exquisite Lebanese wines and intricate and unique cocktails that are built around the seasonal menu.

Experiences at Boutros

  • Reservation

    Standard Reservation

    Elevated Middle Eastern Cuisine served in warm and inviting space designed and built by the chef himself, Allen Dabagh. Chef focuses the menu around his Lebanese and Syrian heritage, melding Middle Eastern cooking with diverse flavors from growing up in NY. Start your journey by breaking bread with freshly baked pita coming from the stone hearth, followed by kebabs grilled over Japanese charcoal, with the sounds of Fairuz flowing through the speakers. The Middle Eastern influence continues through to the cocktails and wine program, showcasing exquisite Lebanese wines and intricate and unique cocktails that are built around the seasonal menu.

  • Reservation

    Dining Room

    Elevated Middle Eastern Cuisine served in warm and inviting space designed and built by the chef himself, Allen Dabagh. Chef focuses the menu around his Lebanese and Syrian heritage, melding Middle Eastern cooking with diverse flavors from growing up in NY. Start your journey by breaking bread with freshly baked pita coming from the stone hearth, followed by kebabs grilled over Japanese charcoal, with the sounds of Fairuz flowing through the speakers. The Middle Eastern influence continues through to the cocktails and wine program, showcasing exquisite Lebanese wines and intricate and unique cocktails that are built around the seasonal menu.

  • Reservation


    Elevated Middle Eastern Cuisine served in warm and inviting space designed and built by the chef himself, Allen Dabagh. Chef focuses the menu around his Lebanese and Syrian heritage, melding Middle Eastern cooking with diverse flavors from growing up in NY. Start your journey by breaking bread with freshly baked pita coming from the stone hearth, followed by kebabs grilled over Japanese charcoal, with the sounds of Fairuz flowing through the speakers. The Middle Eastern influence continues through to the cocktails and wine program, showcasing exquisite Lebanese wines and intricate and unique cocktails that are built around the seasonal menu.

  • Reservation

    Chef Counter

    Elevated Middle Eastern Cuisine served in warm and inviting space designed and built by the chef himself, Allen Dabagh. Chef focuses the menu around his Lebanese and Syrian heritage, melding Middle Eastern cooking with diverse flavors from growing up in NY. Start your journey by breaking bread with freshly baked pita coming from the stone hearth, followed by kebabs grilled over Japanese charcoal, with the sounds of Fairuz flowing through the speakers. The Middle Eastern influence continues through to the cocktails and wine program, showcasing exquisite Lebanese wines and intricate and unique cocktails that are built around the seasonal menu.