Browse RestaurantsRestaurante Oro Blanco Satélite

Restaurante Oro Blanco SatéliteNaucalpan de Juárez


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It is the gastronomic destination that unites Mexican cuisine with the most advanced gastronomic techniques, hence our mission to exalt and give the deserved value to the most emblematic food of Mexican cuisine such as corn, which in its natural state is white and at the time of When it is cooked it changes to yellow flashes similar to gold. That's why we choose to call it white gold, alluding to the most popular ingredient in Mexican gastronomy.

Experiences at Restaurante Oro Blanco Satélite

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    It is the gastronomic destination that unites Mexican cuisine with the most advanced gastronomic techniques, hence our mission to exalt and give the deserved value to the most emblematic food of Mexican cuisine such as corn, which in its natural state is white and at the time of When it is cooked it changes to yellow flashes similar to gold. That's why we choose to call it white gold, alluding to the most popular ingredient in Mexican gastronomy.