Browse RestaurantsRestaurante Puerto Madero Bosques

Restaurante Puerto Madero BosquesCuajimalpa de Morelos


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Our Menu has the most select imported Meats, Fish, Seafood and Lobster (Maine), carefully prepared with the highest quality standards and cooked on our exclusive “Charcoal Grill”. Whatever the reason for your visit, family, business or a romantic evening, Puerto Madero will make your lunch or dinner an unforgettable moment.

Experiences at Restaurante Puerto Madero Bosques

  • Reservation

    Standard Reservation

    Our Menu has the most select imported Meats, Fish, Seafood and Lobster (Maine), carefully prepared with the highest quality standards and cooked on our exclusive “Charcoal Grill”. Whatever the reason for your visit, family, business or a romantic evening, Puerto Madero will make your lunch or dinner an unforgettable moment.

  • Reservation


    Our Menu has the most select imported Meats, Fish, Seafood and Lobster (Maine), carefully prepared with the highest quality standards and cooked on our exclusive “Charcoal Grill”. Whatever the reason for your visit, family, business or a romantic evening, Puerto Madero will make your lunch or dinner an unforgettable moment.