Browse RestaurantsSanrio Characters Garden Cafe サンリオキャラクターズ ガーデンカフェ

Sanrio Characters Garden Cafe サンリオキャラクターズ ガーデンカフェTaito-ku


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We have prepared three venues with different concepts, and we propose the most suitable venues and plans according to the purpose and number of users. We can flexibly respond to detailed requests such as equipment, staging, and layout. All the dishes that are comparable to the first-class hotels are the gems that we are proud of, but the sweets supervised by the pastry chef who knows the world are especially popular. We have a wide range of dishes from standard to original dishes, so please enjoy them to your heart's content.

Experiences at Sanrio Characters Garden Cafe サンリオキャラクターズ ガーデンカフェ

  • Reservation

    Standard Reservation

    We have prepared three venues with different concepts, and we propose the most suitable venues and plans according to the purpose and number of users. We can flexibly respond to detailed requests such as equipment, staging, and layout. All the dishes that are comparable to the first-class hotels are the gems that we are proud of, but the sweets supervised by the pastry chef who knows the world are especially popular. We have a wide range of dishes from standard to original dishes, so please enjoy them to your heart's content.