Browse RestaurantsRestaurant Gobelin

Restaurant GobelinBonn, NW

German€31 to €50

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From June to September, the Gobelin Restaurant is on summer break and we welcome you in our chestnut garden! Only the Sunday brunch will take place as usual.Regional. Seasonal. Fresh. When culinary creativity meets the best ingredients and the highest standards of freshness and taste, then something wonderful comes to the table - welcome to the Gobelin. Our chef focuses on fresh produce, meat and fish from the region as well as seasonal herbs and vegetables. Our classic German cuisine with European influences and especially the famous Dreesen classics will delight you.On Sundays and holidays we look forward to welcoming you to our brunch from 12:00 to 15:00.

Experiences at Restaurant Gobelin

  • Experience

    Dreesen's Lunchmenü der Woche

    Genießen Sie in entspannter Atmosphäre mit Blick auf den Rhein ein wöchentlich wechselndes 3 oder wahlweise auch 2 Gang Mittagsmenu inklusive Kaffee oder Tee. Beim Hauptgang können Sie zwischen Fisch oder Fleisch wählen. Selbstverständlich gehen wir auch auf vegetarische Wünsche ein.

    Multiple dates available
    €35.00 per person
  • Reservation

    Standard Reservation

    From June to September, the Gobelin Restaurant is on summer break and we welcome you in our chestnut garden! Only the Sunday brunch will take place as usual.Regional. Seasonal. Fresh. When culinary creativity meets the best ingredients and the highest standards of freshness and taste, then something wonderful comes to the table - welcome to the Gobelin. Our chef focuses on fresh produce, meat and fish from the region as well as seasonal herbs and vegetables. Our classic German cuisine with European influences and especially the famous Dreesen classics will delight you.On Sundays and holidays we look forward to welcoming you to our brunch from 12:00 to 15:00.