Browse RestaurantsSushi Inaba

Sushi InabaTorrance, CA


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* Please understand that we have only one menu ($280/person)*We are unable to delay service, and the guests who are late might miss some courses of the Omakase. Please make sure to be on time.*Deposit will be refunded within 5-6 business days upon arrival.***Corkage Fee***We do have a sake and beer selection available to order upon your arrival. If you would like to bring you own, the corkage fees are as follow: Wine or Sake up to 750mL ($60/bottle)Sake up to 1800mL ($150/ bottle)...More

Experiences at Sushi Inaba

  • Reservation

    Sushi Inaba Omakase

    Join us for an unforgettable experience!

    Reservation for parties of 1 to 7
    $150 deposit per person