Browse RestaurantsFat Frank's

Fat Frank'sNob Hill

Cocktail Bar$

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Albuquerque’s best kept secret - Fat Frank’s is a hidden lounge serving up groovy craft cocktails, craft hot dogs, sides, and all the vibes. Reservations open up 14 days in advance. By scheduling your reservation here, you are scheduling your "delivery" for Fat Frank. Every month, we pair up with a local non-profit and ask each guest to bring a "delivery" of an in-kind donation that will be collected at the door. Your confirmation email will provide details on which non-profit we are currently working with, what types of "deliveries" Fat Frank is accepting on behalf of that non-profit, and where to find the delivery entrance.

Experiences at Fat Frank's

  • Reservation

    Standard Reservation

    Albuquerque’s best kept secret - Fat Frank’s is a hidden lounge serving up groovy craft cocktails, craft hot dogs, sides, and all the vibes. Reservations open up 14 days in advance. By scheduling your reservation here, you are scheduling your "delivery" for Fat Frank. Every month, we pair up with a local non-profit and ask each guest to bring a "delivery" of an in-kind donation that will be collected at the door. Your confirmation email will provide details on which non-profit we are currently working with, what types of "deliveries" Fat Frank is accepting on behalf of that non-profit, and where to find the delivery entrance.