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Establishment belonging to the Manolo Mayo de los Palacios restaurant. It is located on the ground floor of the Bécquer hotel in Seville. It opened in March 2021 only to take home with a selection from the classic menu of the palatial establishment.

Experiences at Mayo

  • Reservation

    Standard Reservation

    Establishment belonging to the Manolo Mayo de los Palacios restaurant. It is located on the ground floor of the Bécquer hotel in Seville. It opened in March 2021 only to take home with a selection from the classic menu of the palatial establishment.

  • Reservation


    Establishment belonging to the Manolo Mayo de los Palacios restaurant. It is located on the ground floor of the Bécquer hotel in Seville. It opened in March 2021 only to take home with a selection from the classic menu of the palatial establishment.

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