Browse RestaurantsWahpepah's Kitchen

Wahpepah's KitchenOakland, CA

Native American$$

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Crystal Wahpepah is an enrolled member of the Kickapoo nation of Oklahoma. She was born and raised in Oakland, California, on Ohlone land, surrounded by a multi-tribal, tight-knit, urban Native community. Crystal’s objectives for Wahpepah’s Kitchen are threefold: (1) to acknowledge that we live on stolen land; and (2) how that acknowledgement connects to the reclamation of Native food ways (food sovereignty); as well as (3) to educate communities and organizations on the health benefits of Nat...More

Experiences at Wahpepah's Kitchen

  • Reservation

    Wahpepah's Kitchen Dining Reservation

    Join us at Wahpepah's Kitchen!

    Reservation for parties of 1 to 10
    Dining Room, Patio