Browse RestaurantsYujo - Dallas

Yujo - DallasDallas, TX


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An elevated dining experience that highlights the artistry of Japanese cuisine.Refined ambiance creates a serene atmosphere that invites guests to savor each bite and enjoy the nuanced flavors

Experiences at Yujo - Dallas

  • Event

    Tuna Cutting Party 9/19

    Come celebrate with Yujo as we throw our first official tuna cutting party, and celebrate our 1 year anniversary!Table seating only, no bar available. Bar area reserved for viewing. 30 Spots available.$150 per person. Includes 8 courses and bottomless tuna!Sake Package (4 glasses) $42Standard cocktail drink package $40Payment will be collected upon admission.

    Thursday, Sep 19, 2024
    7:00 PM - 10:00 PM
  • Event

    Halloween Tuna Party

    Come celebrate the spirit of Halloween! This month's tuna show will be a costume party! There is no theme, but costumes must be appropriate. Enjoy a live tuna breakdown, followed by a 9 course tasting menu highlighting tuna. 10 Bar Seats available for $165 per person5 Tables seating up 4 guests available for $150 per person.Doors open at 6:15, with Tuna 101 hosted by Chef Jarod beginning at 6:30, and the tuna breakdown beginning at 7PM.

    Wednesday, Oct 30, 2024
    7:00 PM - 10:30 PM
  • Reservation


    Please note that while we specialize in omakase, we also offer a variety of à la carte options for those who prefer a more flexible dining experience. If you decide to switch to the omakase option after arriving, please inform your server as soon as possible to help us coordinate your seating and ensure a smooth dining experience.Due to the small size, and limited seating options at our store, seating preferences can not always be met. However, our staff will do their best to ensure your comfort, which may result in short wait times for preferred seating.

    Reservation for parties of 1 to 8
    Chef's Counter, Table, Tasting Room
  • Reservation


    By booking this Omakase Reservation, a $20 hold will be placed on your credit card through Tock. This hold will be released back to your card once you check in for your reservation. Upon your arrival, our knowledgeable staff will guide you through the Omakase options available. Feel free to discuss your preferences and select the perfect Omakase experience tailored just for you.Please note that due to the small size, and limited seating options at our store, seating preferences can not always be met. However, our staff will do their best to ensure your comfort, which may result in short wait times for preferred seating.

    Reservation for parties of 1 to 8
    Chef's Counter, Table, Tasting Room

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