Browse RestaurantsCaliPaso Winery

CaliPaso WineryPaso Robles, CA

Californian$31 to $50

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Sur­round­ed by beau­ti­ful land­scaped gar­dens and framed by hun­dreds of acres of lush vine­yards, Cali­pa­so offers a unique set­ting that high­lights Paso Robles’s nat­ur­al beau­ty. The Inn is an inti­mate bou­tique style hotel with a Tus­can fla­vor. Make the most of the out­door ter­races dur­ing cham­pagne recep­tions or al fres­co din­ing sur­round­ed by per­fect­ly man­i­cured gar­dens and Oak trees. Experience CaliPaso wines over brunch at our restaurant. A great way to celebrate, mark a special occasion or catch up with friends all while enjoying your favorite wines.

Experiences at CaliPaso Winery

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    Standard Reservation

    Sur­round­ed by beau­ti­ful land­scaped gar­dens and framed by hun­dreds of acres of lush vine­yards, Cali­pa­so offers a unique set­ting that high­lights Paso Robles’s nat­ur­al beau­ty. The Inn is an inti­mate bou­tique style hotel with a Tus­can fla­vor. Make the most of the out­door ter­races dur­ing cham­pagne recep­tions or al fres­co din­ing sur­round­ed by per­fect­ly man­i­cured gar­dens and Oak trees. Experience CaliPaso wines over brunch at our restaurant. A great way to celebrate, mark a special occasion or catch up with friends all while enjoying your favorite wines.

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