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Linear RestaurantDowntown


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Elevated New American cuisine and cocktails served in a chill atmosphere. Simply enjoy a good meal together overlooking the Grand River, downtown Grand Rapids. Expect artfully composed dishes, seasonal ingredients and rotating menus. We offer a full service bar with handmade cocktails, beer and wine lists. Lunch is available on Tues-Fri from 11am-2pm. Dinner is available on Tues-Sat from 5pm-10pm. Weekend Brunch is available on Sat-Sun from 10am-2pm.

Experiences at Linear Restaurant

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    Standard Reservation

    Elevated New American cuisine and cocktails served in a chill atmosphere. Simply enjoy a good meal together overlooking the Grand River, downtown Grand Rapids. Expect artfully composed dishes, seasonal ingredients and rotating menus. We offer a full service bar with handmade cocktails, beer and wine lists. Lunch is available on Tues-Fri from 11am-2pm. Dinner is available on Tues-Sat from 5pm-10pm. Weekend Brunch is available on Sat-Sun from 10am-2pm.

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